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Walkability / Urban realm
City Wayfinding essentials
What is City Wayfinding and why is it of such high value?
Managing the world’s best City Wayfinding systems
Management and governance of City Wayfinding systems should be better planned from the outset.
OpenStreetMap for city wayfinding
OpenStreetMap – free data for creating City Wayfinding basemaps
6 reasons you should choose a GIS for your City Wayfinding system
The most successful City Wayfinding systems in the world are maintained in a GIS. Should yours be?
Managing costs in wayfinding
How Legible London was made possible “with budget shortages and a time crunch … extremely tough to meet”
Smart maintenance of City Wayfinding systems
Up-to-date wayfinding maps build trust. This requires smart maintenance plans
A system for maximising the impact of wayfinding
City Wayfinding maps help create a culture of walking and cycling in the city. The Cost-Benefit Ratio will be greatly improved with a comprehensive system.
Don’t mention the ’M’ word
System Maintenance and how to manage spending and retain the value in a wayfinding system
What’s in a (neighbourhood) name?
What comes first – the neighbourhood or the name? And can we trust Google to decide this for us?
Creating London’s iconic 3D buildings
The designer of Legible London mapping’s 3D buildings talks about their cognitive effects
Making the map: how the whole of London was made Legible
An insightful behind-the-scenes description written by Legible London’s former TfL ‘gatekeeper’.